Friday, August 21, 2020

A Visitor

Yesterday I opened my back door to do something, I forget what, and found Molly's twin on my porch.  Surprised the hell out of me.  I asked her what the heck she was doing there, but got only a blank stare and a couple cautious yips.  I was able to sweet-talk her into coming in the house, she wasn't interested in water or food, and she and Molly just sniffed each other.  A couple attempts to mark my rug, but I barked at her and she stopped.  She was well-groomed and healthy, but no collar or tags, so I put her in the truck and went to visit the nearest neighbors.  Only two were home and they didn't recognize her, so I posted on a community Facebook page and sat on the couch to wait, with one little white dog curled up on each side of me.

Within a few minutes I saw a frantic post from the owner and arranged to meet her at the gas station.  She was teary-eyed with gratitude. I like that in a woman...😁

Just looked at the map, and the little critter had come nearly two miles to my doorstep.  And I don't think it was the first time.  A long time ago, maybe a year or two, I had Molly in the truck under the oak tree and had gone back to the house for something, when what to my wondering eyes should appear but Molly, way over south of the house!  WTF? How did she get out of the truck and over there so quickly? Using my best dog-whisperer techniques, I screamed bloody murder at her for being a naughty girl, and of course she took off, never to be seen again.  Turned around to look back at the truck, and there was the real Molly, wondering what all the fuss was about.

My visitor.  A well-groomed version of Molly

A shortcut would have been over coyote-infested hills.