Friday, January 26, 2024

More Woodworking (and Revealing the Secrets!)

  I decided I needed a couple little cabinets... the bathroom, so I whipped up this pair.

They're only eight inches deep but they will free up some space in a storage closet that I need for other things. In a small house you have to get creative with storage

So How do You Get a Nice Balanced Photo in Such a Small Room?

It ain't easy.

First you take about a million shots...

I don't have fancy professional lighting, so a couple cheap lamps have to suffice...

Why is There no Camera Reflected in the Mirror?

First I took a picture of the mirror from an angle. Then using Photoshop's wonderful "Distort" tool, I dragged the corners until it was square. That's also how I get rid of parallax in the main photo.

Then I cropped that new mirror and simply pasted it over the old one.

Pretty tricky, huh?

Speaking of the need to get Creative...

All I have is a crummy phone camera, and it only measures exposure from dead center. Unfortunately, dead center of this shot is a mirror, so it darkens the cabinets.

So since I was going to replace the mirror anyway, I gave the camera something dark to look at.

Like a real photographer would tell you...

Anything for the shot!