Saturday, May 20, 2023

Muzzy is Finished! (more or less...)

 Walt Disney is supposed to have said that Disneyland would never be finished as long as there is imagination left in the world... That could be true of van projects too.



In case you don't remember my last post on the subject, Muzzy is the Dodge van my daughter Jami uses for work travel and to get away from work when she can.  She rented one just like it during Covid and had Old Dad throw together a removable interior for an epic 6000-mile trip across the country.  Muzzy was her grandmother's nickname.


Van 1.0 "Betty"


Over the last couple of years she has left the van here for anywhere from a weekend to three months, and after the last sprint, we are declaring her finished.  Except for that imagination thing...


Muzzy got a solar panel

A new home-made toilet covered in white plastic

And a half-door on the bathroom


We had originally planned a full door to match the closet door, but decided it would make the van too claustrophobic.


Original plan was for a full door on the bathroom


A half-door is enough privacy for a solo..

..But there is a pull-down shade

 Also added what every van needs: a roll-top desk.
Since most of her travel is (unfortunately) work-related, we decided to give her a place to work. Big enough for a monitor and a laptop, but compact enough to fit in the limited space.
 The desk also supports the upper bunk on that bearing.

Swing-out monitor bracket and pull-out keyboard tray

Home-made roll top

The Star Wars theme lives on...

The bunk pivot got redesigned so the top bunk can now be a backrest.

Happy trails Jami and Muzzy!


  1. Enjoying her right now!! A little staycation in beautiful Avila beach with all of the amenities of home and the necessities of work from home! Thank you Dad! Made my dreams come true! ❤️

    1. So good! Maybe it’s just my imaginarium but I think I spy a lightsaber holster there on the side of the roll top. Love you, and love it all! Devin

  2. You do indeed! No self-respecting starship would be without one! Good eye!

  3. May the force be with you Jamz, and may your hands be full of margaritas by the pool now, Pop! 😉

  4. Fantastic cant wait to see her.
