Sunday, September 19, 2021

More Power!

 Who couldn't use a little more energy...? My good neighbors Eric and Ofelia have been so generous with me since they moved in, and recently they made me an offer I couldn't refuse. They are building a shipping container temporary tiny home, and needed 8 window/door frames built and installed.  

In exchange, they gave me 10, count'em TEN solar panels, and the steel frame they are mounted on, plus a brand new charge controller, a bunch of wire, connectors, etc. 


The array started life as an emergency response trailer that could bring power wherever it was needed in a disaster situation. Our deal was that I would get the solar unit and Eric would keep the trailer.

For travel, the panels are locked upright, but they can be tilted to whatever angle is best when in use.

I drove the trailer to my place, and using their Bobcat in the front and my "cherry picker" lift at the back, we raised the whole assembly so I could pull the trailer out.

Today I'm doing wiring. I've had to order a few more parts and some more wire, so that won't be finished for a few days. Eric has a trencher attachment for the bobcat and has offered to come over soon to bury the wire underground.

Old guy sitting in the shade working on wire.
Hopefully I'll be able to use all the air conditioning I want, and the batteries will get charged even on hazy days. Molly appears to approve.



  1. Quite a solar farm you have started. Too bad you can't sell Excess power back to the power company and make a little money.

  2. It's worth it to not have any connection to the power company at all...

  3. I think the best use of the excess kilowatts is keeping those Sabado beers nice and chilled. Looking good Gary!

    1. Everything in Sábado is chill... especially the beer!

  4. Great setup! Good to hear from you, Gary!
