Sunday, September 26, 2021

The High and Low of it

 More Power, Part Deux


I already had a pole for the little radio-based internet antenna, so I connected a stainless steel cable with some turnbuckles and zip tied the solar wires to it.

Finalized the wiring with metal clips instead of the cheesy plastic ones.

Eric came over with the trencher and laid a nice ditch to bury the wire from the pole to the panels.

 It rained yesterday, so the Bobcat got a little mired down in the last few feet...

...But the same soft ground that gave us trouble also made the shovel work easy.

Had to hand dig the last few feet, but no sweat.

A little smoothing with the old Ford tractor, and job done!


  1. Now if you could figure out how to give out gift baskets of KWHrs with your neighbors we would really have something. Oh, right, those are called batteries! Top notch work Gary as always!!

  2. Couldn't have done it without you, mate!
