Saturday, July 22, 2023

Staying Cool


100 Degrees is no fun

I'm so lucky to have an air conditioner out here, but it's not "central air" -  it's a mini-split in the front of the house that does a good job on the living room but doesn't always make it to the dining nook at the other end of the house. And if I'm baking in the kitchen, forget it.

So in my eighth year here, I finally got around to installing a small unit in the dining room.

 Installing these things is not terribly difficult, but the last step requires some special equipment, so most folks hire a pro for that part. When I installed the unit for the shop, I decided that rather than pay big bucks to somebody else, I'd just go to Harbor Freight and buy the tools. So I was ready to go this time.

The special tools were the gauges and a vacuum pump - the thing with the red handle next to the yellow bucket.

Also sprung for the cover kit to hide the pipes and wire.

 So now the house is cool, but you could bake a cake on the dashboard of the poor truck.


Shade for The Chief

This would probably be considered tacky in the city, but city folks have nice two-car garages...



Somewhere in there, a break for an outdoor concert with friends:

 And a couple new cabinets for the shop.

 Stay cool!


  1. Wow! Your shop is amazing!

  2. Anonymous = David S.

  3. Thanks for identifying yourself, David. I guess this thing defaults to anonymous, so I usually don't know who's saying what.
